How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck
$ 9.99
$ 18.95
If you have ever wondered "How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck?"—and you know you have—look no further. Illustrated by twelve different children’s book artists, this book answers that question as well as others, focusing on a variety of popular plants and animals. Based on the popular tongue-twister. Couplets include strawberry, buttercup, nightjar, and many other items. The book also comes with a CD of the song, both with AND without vocals, so you can make up compound word verses of your own!
by Danny Adlerman
illustrated by Kim Adlerman, Roby Gilbert, Megan Halsey, Javaka Steptoe, Kevin Kammeraad, Mickey Paraskevas, Liza Woodruff, Judy Love, Ryan Hipp (www.puppytron.com), Joel Tanis (www.joeltanis.com), and Lena Shiffman.
Music by Jim Babjak
illustrated by Kim Adlerman, Roby Gilbert, Megan Halsey, Javaka Steptoe, Kevin Kammeraad, Mickey Paraskevas, Liza Woodruff, Judy Love, Ryan Hipp (www.puppytron.com), Joel Tanis (www.joeltanis.com), and Lena Shiffman.
Music by Jim Babjak